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"People generally have more feeling for canals and roads than education. However, I hope we can advance them with equal pace." Thomas Jefferson

Contact Information and Office Hours

The Skeptical Economist Modules

Extended Political Economy Module
Advanced Evolution and Learning in Games Module
Political Economy Module
Advanced Dynamic Games Module

First Year Game Theory

current syllabus

Seminar on Intellectual Property

Intermediate Economic Theory

Behavioral Economics

First Year Graduate Economic Theory

Advanced Economic Theory

Workshop in Economic Theory

Classes Formerly Taught at UCLA

Seminar on Intellectual Property

Economics 101B: Intermediate Microeconomics

Economics 201B: Game Theory

Economics 211B/212: Dynamic Games

Economics 218ABC: Proseminar in Economic Theory

Economics 219ABC: Workshop in Economic Theory

Link to the lectures on basic dynamic games

Link to the old Advanced Evolutionary Games Module

Link to the lectures on game theory at the EPFL in Lausanne in December 2010

Link to the lectures on learning in games at the EUI In Florence in October 2010

Link to the lectures on game theory and behavioral economics at the CES In Munich in May 2010

Link to the lectures on game theory and behavioral economics at Gerzensee in August 2009





administrative assistant:
Magdalena Redzig


David Levine
Department of Economics
Royal Holloway University of London
Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX
United Kingdom
Room: Horton 306

At Wash U

administrative assistant:
Jessica Cain
+1 314-935-4842
Seigle Hall 315A


David Levine
Department of Economics
Washington University in St. Louis
Campus Box 1208
St. Louis MO 63130-4899 USA

Appointments are best arranged by email at